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News・event information

【NEWS】About developmental disorder ~ For parents raising children in Japan


Do you have concerns about your child’s development? 

~For parents raising children in Japan~

Japan has been seeing an increase in the number of foreign people living and raising their children in the country.
If you are currently worried about your child’s development, you may feel lost, not knowing where to go or whom to ask for help.
Japan does have institutions around the country that provide support for parents who are concerned about their child’s development.
We hope this brochure helps you connect to information and support that you may need.

Division of Planning and Information, National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities:
Click for Japanese and English website

***** original NEWS in Japanese *****
ことばや習慣(しゅうかん)がちがう 日本(にほん)で 子どもを育(そだ)てるのは大変(たいへん)ですね。
自分(じぶん)の子どもが,ちゃんと育(そだ)っているか,心配(しんぱい)なとき,どこで だれに話(はな)すことができるかなど,
19の言語(げんご)で わかりやすいパンフレットがあります。

これは,国(くに)が情報提供(じょうほうていきょう)をしている発達障害(はったつ しょうがい)についての情報(じょうほう)サイトです。

発行(はっこう):発達障害情報・支援センター(はったつ しょうがい じょうほう しえん せんたー)


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