【NEWS】Guidance for continuing education into high school
A guidance/lecture for parents who are not wel informed about high school in Japan will be held.
If you have children who go to elementary school or junior high school or have interested in high school,
you can participate.
Please apply via email. Application must be submitted to:
You need to include the following information:
①Your (parents') name
②Name of your children's currently attending school
③Grade or age of your children
④Your mother language
⑤Contact number (mobile phone number)
end of NEWS
*****original NEWS*****
外国(がいこく)につながる子(こ)どもと 保護者(ほごしゃ)のための 高校進路(こうこうしんろ)ガイダンスをします。
メールでの 申込(もうしこ)が必要(ひつよう)です。
①名前 (なまえ)
②学校名 (がっこうのなまえ)
③学年 ( がくねん)
④言語 (げんご)
⑤電話番号 (でんわばんごう)